She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Other’s Opinion of You

September 03, 2020

Is really none of your business.

As human beings, people get way to caught up in what other people think about them. That holds them back from going after their dream of starting a business, losing weight, applying for that new position or job.

It makes people hesitate to go all in. They are always creating doubts and fears in their life. However, these are all hidden self-created fears. How, because they allow what someone tells them to be more truth than what they tell themselves.

When you listen to others’ opinions of you, what you are hearing is their beliefs. Their values. They are planning their life experience into your life. Where it does not belong now or ever, this is like giving your power to another person who has no business in your business.

When people give you a negative opinion, you need to ignore it. Walk away or worst case, thank them, bless it and then let it go. There are zero reasons to listen to anyone other than you. 

Own your mind. Understand what and where your Shadow Beliefs are and let’s get them to heal.