She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Janna Day

August 27, 2020

Lobbyist and Successful Business Owner

As the youngest of seven children, Janna learned early the importance of standing up and fighting for herself andwhat she believes in. From growing up on a ranch in rural Arizona to owning her own lobbying firm in Phoenix, AZ, Janna has accomplished more than most people do in a lifetime.

Janna overcame many challenges, including the loss of her mother during her first year of law school. Her mother was a strong influence and Janna believes she was instrumental in encouraging her never to accept less than she knew she was worth.

Because of this, Janna learned to advocate on her own behalf. Not to wait for permission, but to speak up and represent herself. Have unwavering faith in trusting her intuition and instinct. Because of these life lessons plus a large dose of good ol’ fashioned grit, Janna built a seven-figure consulting business.

She has been voted #1 lobbyist in Arizona and has many large corporate and trade association clients that trust her to help them achieve their goals through working with the diverse members of the Arizona legislature. Janna has accomplished this and much more, all while raising four children with the help of her childhood friend-turned husband Chris.

Janna is an influential woman who believes everyone has a voice, and that voice should be heard.