She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Jarrett Ransom

August 04, 2020

Jarrett Ransom a successful business owner will share her tips on how Everything is Overcomeable.

Jarrett Ransom has dedicated her career to being of service and single-handedly built a high 6-figure business where she works exclusively with nonprofit organizations and nonprofit leaders. However, like most women, Jarrett has seen good times and equally bad times.

One thing most people may not know about her is she’s one of the most resilient, fun-loving, yet extremely focused women I have ever met. She has never met a stranger. Jarret loves all things nonprofits and is called the Nonprofit Nerd.   

Jarrett found herself pregnant and on welfare during the last recession. However, in typical Jarrett fashion, she decided that was not who she was and developed a plan to move forward. (Hint – you define who you are and what you will accept out of life.) She did this all while raising her son.

During our conversation, she shares great tips on what to do when you are on the downside. How to build a company using what the Universe has provided to you. Share some laughs as she shares some stories with all of us.