She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Are You Seeking Certainty during these Uncertain Times

June 03, 2020

A New Normal is Creating a Challenge for People.

During these times of the COVID-19 pandemic, each day brings a new normal. The ground keeps shifting around everyone shaking their foundation. It seems for each plan they make it changes the next day.

No one has summer vacation plans due to the virus, money, lack of jobs and most places are still closed. The country reopened for 2 weeks then the earth moved again. It shifted with the protest of racial inequality.

This is causing pain, frustration, and depression, and in some, anger. If you are off-balanced try to meditate or at least be still. We are not through this therefore the importance of being grounded is even more important. Try to relax and know that in the end, all will be well.