She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Do You Have Fear of Making a Mistake?

April 28, 2020

Is this fear causing you to miss out on New Adventures? New Opportunities?

Way too many people hold back due to FOMM. Fear of Making a Mistake. Never taking that final step that could lead them to their dreams. Never finishing, or never marketing that new class for FOMM.

Whatever happened to the knowledge that everyone makes mistakes. What has caused so many people to be frozen at the thought of making a mistake? My guess, social media. When you make a mistake now everyone sees it.

Over my 20+ years as a leader, I have made at least one million mistakes. Including falling off a stage, giving a presentation and the numbers were all wrong and introducing the keynote speaker by the wrong name. Do you know what I learned? Some people laugh, a few will say mean things and the rest will shrug their shoulders.

Sure, I was embarrassed and beat myself up more than I needed. But, in the end, I learned the lesson and moved on. I could have chosen to stay stuck in place but who does that serve? Certainly not me. Nor YOU.

Embrace that you will make mistakes. Some small and inconsequential and some major ones. At the end of the day, I can promise you will survive and even thrive. You’ll thrive because when you overcome obstacles it gives you a boost of confidence to know you are indeed a SHERO.

Never let fear steal your dreams!