She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Overcame Divorce, Cancer to build a Spiritual Business.

April 01, 2020

Pam Sears leads the way in overcoming all of life’s obstacles.

Pam was fired from her job unexpectedly. Then with her two young boys decided it was time to leave her unsupportive husband. This was done during a time when women seldom left a husband with no support, no job, and no fallback plan.

Pam had a strong belief in herself and knew it would work out. She started attending a massage school and became a business owner. Everything was on track, personally, professionally, and financially. The business was doing great; boys were growing into wonderful men when it happened.

Pam calls it her ‘2×4’ moment. You know, when you get hit by a 2X4 totally unexpectedly. She found out that she had breast cancer. Another large obstacle she would have to overcome. With a strong level of tenacity, Pam promised herself she would overcome and come out stronger.

Pam survived and in fact even thrived. She learned that self-care is important and to find love in all occasions. I think of Pam as the Heart Lady. Pam takes pictures of all the hearts she sees in the Universe. Reminding her followers to also practice self-care and be filled with love.

Now, faced with a massive economic downturn, Pam is poised to face yet another obstacle. But with typical Pam optimism, she knows all will be well. Her beloved camera broke, no worries for Pam, she went to a pawnshop and bought another. Her business took a dip. That’s fine she is rethinking her offering, how to offer them and trying new avenues to get her message out there.

Pam is a woman of conviction who does whatever it takes to get her message of love and overcoming what life throws at you.

Check out Pam’s online website or her YouTube channel.

Here’s to you Finding Your Blue Rose.

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