She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Tall Poppy Syndrome and Women

March 26, 2020

Be a Tall Poppy and let Your Voice be Heard.

Tall Poppy syndrome I think originated in Australia At least that is where I learned the expression. When someone is a tall poppy they are ‘standing out.’ Drawing attention to themselves like that is a bad thing.

The saying implies that standing out is a bad thing. I think the opposite. When you stand out, you are CONFIDENT in who you are and what you do. There is zero need to hide your greatness. Yet sayings like this one make people step back fearful they will be a tall poppy. For years I was heckled and ridiculed for standing out, or as my mother would say ‘drawing attention to myself.’ So, I pulled back. Hiding behind others, waiting to be invited to join. Now I look back and only see missed opportunities.

But when you pull back, be LESS THAN, you are helping no one. You are only benefiting the person who was insecure in the first place to call you a tall poppy.

Have confidence and faith to stand proudly in your voice. Know you are here for a specific reason and live daily in that reason.

Promise yourself you will be the TALLEST poppy in the field, heck in the Universe. As the saying goes, You do You!