She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Now is the Time to Build Value and Trust in your Business

March 18, 2020

You got to give to get

During these crazy times, everyone seems to be cutting back. The economy is constricting as unemployment is rising. I see more people becoming fearful.

Small businesses need to be proactive and stay in front of their customer. This can be done by hosting free webinars (although I think everyone is doing that right now), discount their training, or free groups.

All are great ideas. The key now is provide value to your customer and potential customer. For years my family and I vacations at the same hotel at Laguana Beach. Until they raised their rates and stopped making deal.

We quit going. Now, the phone is ringing with hey we have great specials for the summer. We said no thanks.

How you treat people now will determine your success moving forward.

A great motto to have is . . .give more than you take.