She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Your Second Mountain can be Messy.

February 25, 2020

For the first time, many women will have a choice of what business to start.

Women who are 55 – 80 took jobs that worked for their schedules. Child care, after work events, taking care of the house. Plus women had only started entering the work force in mid 1960.

Until late 1970’s women could not get a credit card without their husbands’ signature. It was truly a much different time. Most women accepted a job based on availability then developed the skill set to match the job. If they desired a promotion they would adopt that skill set needed.

In the Book Called, The Second Mountain it talks about how most people do not really need to think too much for themselves. Parents, the school system, support system in most cases take care of this. Then at 19 off to college, marriage, travel, work or a host of other things and they are expected to think for themselves. Find the right job, apartment, friends and support system.

I argue that women also at 55- 65 apprachiend their Third Mountain. This is the mountain where they have raised the children, taken care of the their parents. marriage. Now they have choice. Looking at retiremtn many are choosng to start a business.

However, because they needed to develop so many skill sets it takes time to determine what they desire to do. What they really want to focus on. They are true multipassionate future entreprenuers.

If you are interested in a great read here’s the link, The Second Mountain