She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

It’s all in the Story You Tell in Your Business

February 07, 2020

Your gift is hidden within your story.

It’s the meaning that is placed that you place on this story that makes the tale applicable. Everyone has a story. How does it get you to the purpose of your business? Why you do what you do in your business offerings.

That’s why most start a business to share their life experiences with others. To develop a common bond so all can have a unique perspective.  

However, I have found that within their story is a tale of overcoming and resilience. More resilient people seem to be more successful which makes sense. They let nothing get in the way of their business. The goal is always on the other side of hard work. 

The dream fulfilled. 

However, contained in these stories is their gift — the area where when they are in it, they excel. Things go effortlessly while everything falls into place. When you discover your special gift, your business sweet spot, you’ll know it. Looking for an example?

Take time, look at your story. What is the overarching message? What did you accomplish using what skill set and how can you teach it to others? What delivery system? 

Take your time and be 100% assured you have a special gift begging to get out. Begging to be shared. 

In full disclosure, when I started the struggle was with what part of my story to tell. And more important how to condense it down. Who would care and why? I missed out on the theme of sharing a story so others could understand they are not alone. That others who may not be where they want to be now have an example to follow.

Truthfully, and I probably shouldn’t admit this but I watched Tony Robbins infomercial over and over. Heck, I even had it on tapa back in the VCR days. (Don’t know what a VCR is…ask you mother.)Wondering when will it be my turn, when will I make it? When will I be featured in his infomercial?

If you would like a mentor to help you find it out…check out my 1-hour Strategic Power Hour.