She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

#122 Vulnerability

August 11, 2024

Hey there, it’s Karen Barno, and welcome to another episode of ‘She Leads Confidently’! Today, we’re going to take a deep dive into one of the most powerful and transformative topics I know – vulnerability. This episode is not just another talk about being open and honest; it’s a journey into my own life, the raw and real moments that have shaped who I am today, and how these experiences inspired me to write my latest book, “Blue Rose Bookstore: Sanctuary for Your Soul.”

When we talk about vulnerability, we’re often talking about the willingness to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. It’s about letting people see the real us, the flawed, imperfect, beautiful selves that we often hide away. But why do we hide? Why do we feel the need to present a curated version of ourselves to the world? For me, it all started in my childhood, where I faced numerous challenges and traumas that left deep scars. These experiences taught me to build walls, to protect myself from further hurt, but they also kept me from truly connecting with others and, more importantly, with myself.

Growing up, I had a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders, and I learned early on to be self-reliant. But this self-reliance came at a cost. I became so good at hiding my vulnerabilities that I forgot how to be open and honest with myself. I carried this guardedness into my adult life, through my career in the Air Force, and even as I became the CEO of an association. It wasn’t until a near-death accident that I started to confront my vulnerabilities head-on. This pivotal moment forced me to look at my life differently, to see the value in being vulnerable, and to understand that true strength comes from embracing our weaknesses and turning them into our greatest assets.

In today’s episode, I’m going to share some of the most personal stories from my own life – the moments that broke me and the moments that built me back up. You’ll hear about the time I was alone in the ER after an accident, the motorcycle crash that changed my perspective, and the countless times I’ve felt like giving up but found the strength to keep going. These stories are not just anecdotes; they’re lessons in resilience, courage, and the transformative power of vulnerability.

We’ll also talk about practical ways you can embrace vulnerability in your own life. I believe that everyone has a ‘Blue Rose’ within them – a unique gift or purpose that they are meant to share with the world. But often, this gift is hidden under layers of fear, doubt, and past traumas. By embracing vulnerability, we can peel back these layers and uncover our true selves. I’ll share tips on how to start this journey, from journaling and self-reflection to seeking support from a trusted friend or mentor.

One of the key messages I want to convey in this episode is that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness. It’s about being brave enough to be yourself, to show your true colors, and to live authentically. When we embrace vulnerability, we open ourselves up to deeper connections, greater creativity, and a more fulfilling life. We stop hiding behind masks and start living from a place of authenticity and power.

As we journey through this episode, I encourage you to think about your own experiences with vulnerability. What are the moments that have shaped you? What are the parts of yourself that you keep hidden? How can you start to embrace these parts and integrate them into your life? Remember, it’s a process, and it’s okay to take it one step at a time.

Before we dive in, I want to remind you that you are not alone on this journey. There is a community of women out there who are also seeking to embrace their vulnerabilities and live their best lives. Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #SheLeadsConfidently and share your own stories of vulnerability and strength. Let’s support each other and create a movement of empowered, authentic women leaders.

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • My personal journey with vulnerability and how it led to the creation of “Blue Rose Bookstore”
  • The pivotal moments that forced me to confront my fears and embrace my true self
  • Practical tips and strategies for embracing vulnerability in your own life
  • How to use the ‘Find Your Blue Rose Workbook’ to uncover your true self
  • Stories from other women who have transformed their lives through vulnerability
  • The importance of community and support in the journey to self-discovery

So, grab a Diet Coke, cup of coffee, get comfortable, and join me for an honest and heartfelt conversation about vulnerability, transformation, and the power of the Blue Rose. Let’s dive in!