She Leads Confidently

She Leads Confidently

Episode #110 Fear Being Recognized

August 02, 2023

Welcome to another must-listen episode of “She Leads Confidently.” You know, sometimes we talk about climbing the ladder, breaking the glass ceiling, but today, we’re diving into something a bit more hidden yet equally powerful: the fear of being recognized.

Crazy, right? We work so hard to get where we are, and then when the spotlight’s on us, we may find ourselves shrinking back. What’s that all about?

This fear is more common than you think. It’s not about being shy or modest. It’s that nagging voice that whispers, “Are you sure you deserve this?” or “What will people think?” These thoughts, these shadows, can actually hold us back. They’re not just little worries; they can form a wall between us and our full potential.

In this special episode, we’ll dive deep into understanding what these shadows are and how they impact us, not just as leaders but as women in today’s world. We’re getting real, raw, and personal here. No judgment, no jargon, just real talk.

And here’s the good news: we’re not stopping at just identifying the problem. We’ll explore three real, tangible ways to heal:

1. **Embracing Vulnerability**: It’s about opening up and being real, even if it feels scary.

2. **Reclaiming Your Narrative**: This is your story, your success. Own it without fear.

3. **Building a Supportive Community**: Let’s find and connect with those who lift us up.

But we’re not leaving it there. Healing is just the beginning. We’ll also be chatting about how to take these lessons and actually put them into action. How can we move forward, stronger and more confident?

So, whether you’re leading a team, a company, or just leading your life with purpose, this episode is for you. It’s a conversation among friends, a shared journey of understanding, healing, and growing.

Join “She Leads Confidently” for this eye-opening chat. Let’s redefine recognition, break down those shadows, and step into the spotlight where we belong. Because, yes, we do deserve it, and together, we’ll learn how to truly believe it.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea, find your favorite spot, and let’s have this heart-to-heart. It’s time to lead confidently, recognized, and without fear. See you there!