Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Build a Big Podcast - The Marketing Podcast for Podcasters

Latest Episodes

Day #2 - Your Podcasting Origin Story
November 02, 2019

We've all met that guy with an interesting job and wondered, "How'd he get into that?" People are wondering the same thing about you. The reality of working on something is different than the fantasy people on the outside tell themselves. Still, it's...

Day #1 - What's Your Story?
November 01, 2019

The better you are at telling stories, the more people will listen to your podcast. In other words:  better stories = more podcast listeners It sounds simple, because it is simple. However, telling great stories takes practice. So that's where...

30-Day Solo Podcast Challenge - Introduction
October 31, 2019

If you want more results from your podcast, you need to be able to handle hosting on your own, without the "crutch" of co-hosts, interviews, or music. This 30-Day Challenge podcast will help you do just that. You'll become more confident behind the...

Podcasting Lessons From Book Narration
October 26, 2019

I'm on the final stretch of voicing my latest book, Big Podcast, and it's been a great experience. This episode talks about a few of the things I've noticed about my voiceover/hosting skills while doing this project, how I'm working to improve...

30 Podcast Episodes In 30 Days (NaPodPoMo)
October 25, 2019

You may be familiar with NaPodWriMo, or National Poetry Writing Month, is an annual project in which participating poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April. Or NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. Podcasting has...

Audacity On Mac Is Broken – Here's A Fix...
October 14, 2019

The latest Mac OS, Catalina, broke a lot of software. Unfortunately for podcasters, Audacity is on that list. The good news is there's a workaround that might get you going until an update is released. It works for some users, not all. More info...

Texas Podcon
October 05, 2019

A few days ago I mentioned the trend toward smaller podcasting events, including those based around specific demographics, regions, and podcast styles. Smaller podcasting events are actually better than larger events in a lot of ways, so I suggest you...

The Ethics Of Podcast Editing (And How To Be A Better Host)
October 04, 2019

The previous episode of Build A Big Podcast with Pedro Pena got me thinking about the ethics of podcast editing. I've done hundreds of podcast and radio interviews over the years and that episode was the first one where my guest hasn't been...

The Stuttering Podcaster
October 02, 2019

When Pedro Pena was five-years-old, he was attacked by a German Shepherd while walking home from school. After the dog attack, his speech deteriorated to 0% fluency due to shock/trauma. Today, he hosts a podcast called My Stuttering Life.  I...

Speaking Opportunity For Podcasters
October 01, 2019

You may have heard the hype around "Podcaster's Kit." This is a package put together by Dan Morris of Tracing The Path (among other things) with "everything a podcaster needs to grow, improve, monetize, and gain confidence." Dan is launching...