Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

Planning for the New School Year – MBFLP 229
July 30, 2019

As we look forward to the new school year - whether with fear or anticipation - we're looking at the problem of planning. How much is necessary? Is there a point of "too much"? What sort of process works best? -

Spiritual Doubts and Your Kids – MBFLP 228
July 12, 2019

"Mom, I think I'm an atheist." That was the chilling announcement from the back of the van, from our nine-year-old child. Spiritual doubts may arise at any time, especially with young teens, and this episode we're talking about some practical things yo...

Raising Boys in a #MeToo Generation – MBFLP 227
July 02, 2019

You spend years teaching your sons right from wrong, good manners instead of bad, and all the right social skills. Yet in a super-sensitive time, even a hint of misbehavior toward a female - sometimes just an accusation - can affect the rest of their l...

Unexpected Benefits of Graduation – MBFLP 226
May 28, 2019

It's Graduation Time! We're heading out for our fifth high school graduation (our homeschooled son will be in the ceremony at the North Carolinians for Home Education "Thrive!" conference). It's a milestone that doesn't grow stale even the fifth time ...

The Importance of Fun – MBFLP 224
May 01, 2019

Who said school can't be fun? This episode, we sit down with our friends Roger and Jan Smith, long-time homeschool parents and leaders in Louisiana. The topic is simply, "Fun" - what it can do to create memories, bond family members,

Adoption When It’s Not Easy – MBFLP 225
April 22, 2019

Adoption is a picture of God’s love for His people. It literally saves lives and it rescues children from terrible situations. It’s not as simple as choosing a pet from the store, though, and adopted children often have problems that continue into adul...

Teaching Kids About Money – MBFLP 223
April 05, 2019

Today we're talking about one of those most practical of all topics – money, and particularly how you teach your young people about it. This was easier with the older kids because with the older kids, I mean, you get a job, start a business,

Teaching Discernment – MBFLP 222
March 11, 2019

How do you teach your kids discernment in a world soaked in media? We may be able to tightly control our youngest children's exposure and experience of the entertainment world, but that changes with time. We need to train our teens how to recognize bot...

Love in a Time of Sickness – MBFLP 221 (repeat!)
February 12, 2019

HARRRCH! Greetings from our bronchitis ward! With the whole family, including your hosts, suffering from all sorts of respiratory unpleasantness ... we're going to bring back our show about navigating the challenges of sickness in your family.

Things We’re Glad We Did Homeschooling – MBFLP 220
January 30, 2019

It's human nature - everybody has things they regret, or at least, things they'd do differently if they could. But a thoughtful reader told us she was tired of hearing everybody's regrets - what about things we did homeschooling that turned out well,