Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

Beating Boredom This Summer – MBFLP 249
July 01, 2020

Summertime is always a challenge - with the change of routine, it's easy for our kids (or ourselves) to feel adrift. This year, with the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, even our backup program may be on hold or cancelled.

Raising Them Up – a conversation with Israel Wayne – MBFLP 248
May 20, 2020

This episode, we're talking with Israel Wayne, homeschool graduate, father of ten, and author of the new book Raising Them Up: Parenting for Christians. He shares some of the difficulties of his childhood - parents who divorced early,

Quarantine School – It gets better from here! – MBFLP 247
May 05, 2020

Schools are still out and so's the jury - could this be a glimpse of your future? To be honest, few people could have dreamed that millions of kids would start learning from home this spring, and nobody consulted the parents whether they felt like givi...

Planning for College Even During COVID-19 – MBFLP 246
April 22, 2020

How can you hunt for a college in the midst of a global pandemic? Colleges want students who demonstrate interest in their college. But how can you demonstrate interest in a college when you are sheltering in place under a "stay at home" order?

What Are You Reading Right Now? – MBFLP 245
April 10, 2020

These are challenging times, and whether you need entertainment to pass the idle hours, or something diverting at the end of a stressful day, a good book is great to find. We're book people, for sure, and we know the value of trusted authors and especi...

When They’re Being Bullied – MBFLP 244
April 02, 2020

Studies and surveys tell us up to 49% of school kids (grades 4-12) have been bulled in the past month - but homeschoolers aren't immune to threats and intimidation. This episode, we talk with Candice Dugger of BulliedBrokenRedeemed,

Living through Lockdown – Work and School at Home – MBFLP 243
March 26, 2020

Getting School and Work Done Together

When It’s Time They Were Moving Out – MBFLP 242
February 21, 2020

"What ever happened to growing up and moving out?" someone asked. The fact is, a growing number of young adults are living at home with their parents. Is this a problem? Well, sometimes yes, but sometimes not at all. This episode,

Fighting Cabin Fever – MBFLP 241
February 04, 2020

"February is the cruelest month" is how T.S. Eliot began The Waste Land - until Ezra Pound suggested he change it to "April" for poetic reasons. Be that as it may, February is a time of dullness for many of us. It may affect us ourselves,

Raising Kids to Love Their Siblings – MBFLP 240
January 22, 2020

Is sibling rivalry just something to expect? Is it a foregone conclusion that our kids are going to be simmering with jealousy, rivalry, and unkindness toward one another? Or is there a way to promote friendship and affection between brothers and siste...