Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

Thinking About Homeschooling – Things to Consider – MBFLP 264-2
July 05, 2021

Are you one of the thousands of families just beginning homeschooling - or thinking seriously about it this year? Surveys say that over one and a quarter million students aren't returning to public sc

Thinking About Homeschooling – How We Decided – MBFLP 264-1
June 29, 2021

One of the unexpected results of the COVID-19 pandemic is an explosion of interest in homeschooling.  Researchers say the number of homeschooling families doubled between April and October of 2020, an

Biographies for Book Lovers – MBFLP 254-2
October 12, 2020

. - Finishing up a listener's question from episode 245, ("What Are You Reading Right Now?"), this episode Hal is talking about some of his favorite biographies, and why he likes reading this special form of history.

History for Book Lovers – MBFLP 254-1
October 08, 2020

Earlier this year we talked about books and authors the two of us enjoy together (episode 245, "What Are You Reading Right Now?") and we mentioned that each of us has genres we like personally but separately.

Raising Siblings Without Rivalry – Part 3 – MBFLP 253-3
September 18, 2020

Part 3 - Building Friendship Between Your Children We want our kids to be friends and allies, not rivals and opponents, but that takes some conscious effort. As parents, we can make both the positive and negative efforts to build friendship and av...

Raising Siblings Without Rivalry – Part 2 – MBFLP 253-2
September 16, 2020

Part 2 - Making Competition Helpful, Not Harmful - When you've got more than one child, you are going to have challenges. How can you teach them to play together and enjoy games without the older ones overrunning the younger?

Raising Siblings Without Rivalry – Part 1 – MBFLP 253-1
September 15, 2020

One of the questions we hear most often is, "How do you deal with sibling rivalry?"  - We had eight children, and six boys in a row, so we had plenty of competition and challenge to work with! A certain amount is normal and can be accommodated even wi...

Getting Kids On Board With Your New Homeschool – MBFLP 252
August 24, 2020

Are you starting homeschooling this fall? Was it always your plan, or did the pandemic make this an unexpected "best option"? Either way, are your kids on board with the decision? - Parents have the responsibility and the perspective to make this choi...

The Problem of Perfectionism – MBFLP 251
August 18, 2020

A reader asks, "What can you do about an over-conscientious child?" C.S. Lewis observed that our sins are often forms of virtues which have gone astray. The apostle Paul wrote to the church at Colossae, "Whatever you do, do it heartily,

Motivating Boys to Write – MBFLP 250
July 10, 2020

If you're homeschooling a boy (or just helping your son with his homework!) you've probably seen his frustration about writing. Yet the ability to put thoughts into words and words onto paper is a crucial skill for life and career.