Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Making Biblical Family Life Practical

Latest Episodes

MBFLP - Is There Such A Thing BIBLICALLY As “Men’s Work” and “Women’s Work”?
February 24, 2014

  On this episode, Hal and Melanie dive into the controversial question of gender roles and work -- is there such a thing, Biblically speaking, as exclusively "men's work" or "women's work"? Is there a distinction mandated in Scripture? Or have we adopt

MBFLP - Questions and Answers
February 19, 2014

This week Hal and Melanie answer your questions! How do you handle the transition from sweet little boy to standoffish young man? When's a good time to start sports with a young boy? What do you do when your sons persistently "don't hear" your directi

MBFLP - How To Be Happily Married While Homeschooling
February 06, 2014

Everyone tells you that homeschooling isn't an educational choice, but a lifestyle! Should we be surprised if we discover that homeschooling has an impact on our marriage? It's true, and if we're not watchful, our marriage could be a weak spot in our fami

MBFLP - Homeschooling Boys
January 27, 2014

Homeschooling is a great option for families with sons because frankly, institutional classrooms are not very friendly to normal, active, distractible young boys. On the other hand, the same traits which make it hard to teach boys in a schoolroom setting

MBFLP - Homeschooling In Hard Times
January 20, 2014

So many of us began homeschooling out of conviction that God wanted us to do it. Our commitment can be shaken if we come on hard times. We've homeschooled through job loss, high-risk pregnancy, financial challenge, and stage IV cancer, and we learned it c

MBFLP - Christ Centered Sports
January 14, 2014

This is the biggest sports season of the year--the weeks leading to the Super Bowl. Even non-fans get excited about the spectacle to come. But some Christians say that believers shouldn't be involved in competitive sports at all. This week we look at the

MBFLP - Electronics and Temptation
January 11, 2014

Many of our families received new or updated electronics this Christmas -- they're tremendous fun, and they're useful not only for entertainment but also education, business, household management, and so much more. However, they're also a gateway for many

MBFLP - Inspiring Your Kids At New Year’s
December 31, 2013

So it's the time of year to reflect and make resolutions. Or is it? This episode, we look at the question whether Christians should consider "New Year's Resolutions" (and why we think it's a reasonable, Biblical idea), and we share some neat ideas which m

MBFLP - Christmas Special
December 24, 2013

Join us for this year's caroling party - recorded live in our home with 35 of our friends! We'll talk about the Christian origin of the Christmas tree (yes, it is!), share two of our favorite recipes, and sing, sing, sing!

MBFLP - Character Building Gift-Giving
December 03, 2013

It's a strange time of year, when people gather on Thanksgiving to appreciate what God has given them, then the next morning rush out to fight over their next acquisitions. No wonder some thoughtful people--Christians and otherwise--decry the materialism