Sacred Healing 12:30

Sacred Healing 12:30

Latest Episodes

06 Ep#510 The Sword of the Spirit Is the Logos
August 26, 2024

The Word of God is the Logos (Jn 1:1-18) - a Person, not a book. Creation is a "book of God's words" brought forth through the wisdom and Person of the Logos. Now, in the spiritual new creation, the L

05 Ep#509 Helmet of Salvation: Salvation Is Not an “Ask Jesus Into Your Heart” Moment
August 19, 2024

"Salvation" is not merely a moment of asking Jesus into your heart, at least not according to the Bible. Jesus never said to anyone who asked about salvation, "Ask me into your heart and you will be s

04 Ep#508 The Shield of Faith: What Is Faith?
August 12, 2024

Faith cannot simply be belief in God, or in a set of teachings for even the demons believe and tremble (James 2:19). In this show, we discern what faithis,by looking at what itisnt. This sho

03 Ep#507 Why Is the Gospel ‘Good News’?: Shoes of Gospel Peace
August 05, 2024

I'm convinced that part of why we walk in fear, shame, and guilt for so long as Christians, is that we do not sufficiently understand the Gospel. "Gospel" means "good news." Why is it good news? Becau

02 Ep#506 Stop Keeping the “Rules”: Breastplate of Righteousness
July 22, 2024

"Rules" are not righteousness. Rules often become the symbol for righteousness rather than the road to it. Is "righteousness" about keeping rules? What is "sin" anyway? Why shouldn't we, because God w

01 Ep#505 Protecting Your Family and Descendants During Times of Delusion: Belt of Truth
July 15, 2024

This series, The Armor of God for Healing, is based on Ephesians 6:10-18. Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against t

11 Ep#504 Full Length Inner Child Visualization
July 08, 2024

Dedicated to Max. Sometimes a podcast episode feels like a pure supernatural gift from the Holy Spirit to me, and then to you. This episode is such a gift. - This technique has the power to heal at th

10 Ep#503 Pharisaism, Narcissism, and Worthlessness
June 17, 2024

Before we can truly become "little," we must confront the Pharisee in ourselves. Pharisaism is religious narcissism. The Bible calls it "insolent pride." The label "narcissist" is widely deployed to

09 Ep#502 Back to Thérèse & the Series Takeaway
February 12, 2024

The point in "healing the inner child" is illustrated and affirmed by an ancient psychological/mythological idea that the way to full maturity is to find what you lost as a child and regain it. The re

08 Ep#501 How Pharisaism Blocks Healing Communion
February 05, 2024

Listen, Pharisee, the reason you're lonely, the reason you don't feel "chosen," the reason God hasn't thrown you a party (Parable of the Prodigal), is because you're full of judgments that block commu