Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work & Life

Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work & Life

Latest Episodes

Michael Brues on The Power of Chronotypes and Sleep
May 06, 2020

Michael Brues, Ph.d on The Power of Chronotypes and Sleep

Matt Bodnar Psychology of Business and Decision Making, Contemplative Routines, the 80/20 Principle and Keeping a Work Journal
April 29, 2020

Matt Bodnar on the Psychology of Business and decision making, contemplative routines, the 80/20 Principle and keeping a work journal.

Nir Eyal on Overcoming Internal and External Distractions
April 21, 2020

Nir Eyal on the hidden psychology driving us to distraction and the secret of finally doing what you say you will do with a four-step, research-backed model.

James Clear on Building Good Habits and Breaking Bad Ones
April 15, 2020

James Clear talks about the power of habits and how to build good habits and break bad ones.

How Productive Should You Be in a Crisis?
April 09, 2020

In this brief 15 min episode, Erik takes a few minutes to talk about two previous crises from his past in hopes of being real about how there is no 'one size fits all' approach to life and productivity when a crisis hits.

Kate Swoboda on Courage as a Habit and Emotional Resilience
March 31, 2020

Kate Swoboda talks about how to create courage as a brain-based habit that leads to more confidence, progress towards goals, and emotional resilience.

Michael Hyatt on Creating a Clear and Compelling Vision to Grow Your Organization
March 24, 2020

Michael Hyatt on the need for a vision script instead of a vision statement, energizing your team and creating a vision script for growth of your organization.

Grant Baldwin on Productivity Tips for Public Speakers
March 17, 2020

Grant Baldwin of The Speaker Lab Podcast talks about productivity tips for public speakers.

Anne Bogel on Overthinking, Decision Making and Self-Awareness
March 02, 2020

Anne Bogel on Overthinking, Decision Making, and Self-Awareness

Merlin Mann on Unknown Inboxes, Fear Vs Anxiety and Interuptions Vs Distractions
February 25, 2020

Merlin Mann talks about the unknown inboxes in our lives, fear vs anxiety, interuptions vs distractions and more.