Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work & Life

Beyond the To-Do List - Productivity for Work & Life

Latest Episodes

Ian Morgan Cron on The Enneagram 101
July 14, 2020

Ian Morgan Cron gives an overview of what the Enneagram is and the key attributes of a healthy and unhealthy version of each of the 9 types.

Mike Sturm on The Wabi-Sabi Way
July 07, 2020

Mike Sturm talks about the meaning of Wabi-Sabi, and how to walk 'The Wabi-Sabi Way'.

Mike Sturm on the Meaning of Productivity
June 30, 2020

Mike Sturm on the basics and meaning of productivity: Being, Thinking, and Doing.

Mike Robbins on Creating a Team Culture of High Performance, Trust, and Belonging
June 23, 2020

Mike Robbins shares the 4 pillars of how to create a team culture of high performance, trust, and belonging.

Liz Fosslein on the Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work
June 16, 2020

Liz Fosslien talks about un-repressing emotions at work, finding constructive channels for jealousy and anxiety, and demystifying digital interactions and coworker communication styles.

Melissa Steginus on Making Self-Care, Personal, Purposeful and Practical
June 09, 2020

Melissa Steginus talks about making self-care, personal, purposeful, and practical.

Elizabeth Emens on the Admin Tasks of Life
June 01, 2020

Elizabeth Emens on the how the admin tasks of life affects our lives, and how we might avoid, reduce, and redistribute admin.

Mamie Kanfer Stewart on Making Meetings More Effective, Engaging and Enjoyable
May 26, 2020

Mamie Kanfer Stewart from Meeteor talks about making meetings more effective, engaging, and enjoyable.

Chris Bailey on Hyperfocus, Mental RAM and Boredom
May 19, 2020

Chris Bailey talks about Hyperfocus, scatter focus, mental RAM and boredom.

Lacy Boggs on Slow Growth and Work Life Balance
May 13, 2020

Lacy on intentional slow growth, and work-life balance while building her business in 20 hours a week.