Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Latest Episodes

Journaling, How to Write Everyday for Your Success – BtR 144
August 21, 2018

Journal Writing Brandon and Jerry discuss the benefits of journaling every day for your own success. There is an insight that you can gain from looking back on previous years to see how you've progressed on a goal, achieved intended growth,

Finding Balance and Other Insights from a Hiatus – BtR 143
August 14, 2018

Finding Balance Finding balance is something many of us strive to achieve in our busy, stress-filled lives. We don’t know yet if we ever find balance, but we can share with you that we have found there are times when you need to take a step back,

Finding Balance and Other Insights from a Hiatus – BtR 143
August 14, 2018

Finding Balance Finding balance is something many of us strive to achieve in our busy, stress-filled lives. Brandon and I cannot say definitely that we have created or found balanced lives. We can share that finding your balance

A Simply Southern Cottage Update from Sara McDaniel – BtR 142 REBROADCAST
August 08, 2018

Simply Southern Cottage Author of the blog Simply Southern Cottage, Sara McDaniel, is back for the third time. We figured that was the best way to celebrate our first triple-digit episode. Her story is not just about a remodel of a home.

Life at 40 and Fired Up from World Domination Summit Sara McDaniel – BtR 142
August 08, 2018

Sara McDaniel (not Sarah McDaniel) returns to Beyond the Rut for a third time to share with us insights on life at 40, how the World Domination Summit is changing the world, and her discovery while renovating a Southern cottage.

Solo Hiking – Lessons Learned from My First Solo Backpacking Trip (a Rebroadcast) – BtR 141
July 31, 2018

Solo Hiking by Jerry - Every quest has a season where it feels like you are going it alone. That is synonymous with my first solo hiking trip taken last summer. Texas heat scorches during the Summer. We joke about it being a dry heat,

Solo Hiking – Lessons Learned from My First Solo Backpacking Trip (a Rebroadcast) – BtR 141
July 31, 2018

Solo Hiking by Jerry Every quest has a season where it feels like you are going it alone. That is synonymous with my first solo hiking trip taken last summer. Texas heat scorches during the Summer. We joke about it being a dry heat,

FOMO Why You Should Let it Go Except for this Scenario – BtR 140
July 25, 2018

FOMO FOMO is a 21st-Century term that means the fear of missing out. It is an experience that is often generated by the marketing industry. Fear and anxiety are created to bring us to feel that we are missing out on happiness if we do not have a certa...

FOMO Why You Should Let it Go Except for this Scenario – BtR 140
July 25, 2018

FOMO FOMO is a 21st-Century term that means the fear of missing out. It is an experience that is often generated by the marketing industry. Fear and anxiety are created to bring us to feel that we are missing out on happiness if we do not have a certai...

How the Happiness Advantage Can Change Your World (Part 2) – BtR 139
July 17, 2018

Happiness to Pursue Success We often chase success to become happy. If that were true, then we would be happy in our new car, large homes, and corporate jobs with the great salaries and perks. The truth is that it is not these status symbols that make ...