Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Latest Episodes

How a Survivor of Abuse Built a Thriving Life – Marian Bacol-Uba BtR 152
October 17, 2018

Marian Bacol-Uba, the host of Thriver Lifestyle Podcast, shares her story of how a survivor of abuse built a thriving life. Survivor of Abuse The #MeToo Movement is one that has brought attention to a long,

Rob Decker Surviving Suicide and Overcoming Drug Addiction – BtR 151
October 09, 2018

Fitness trainer and motivational speaker, Rob Decker, shares his experiences in surviving suicide and overcoming drug addiction. We want to first make the disclaimer that this is not an episode about how to overcome drug addiction on your own.

Putting Things in Perspective After Bypass Surgery – BtR 150
October 04, 2018

Brandon shares his experiences before, during and after bypass surgery and how it has helped him put things in perspective. You may have noticed that shortly after Brandon returned from his Summer hiatus that he disappeared from a few episodes

How to be Authentic as a Man in Today’s Society with Oscar Banks – BtR 149
September 25, 2018

Pastor Oscar Banks shares his story about becoming a minister and insights on how to be authentic as a man in today's society. Growing up in a home that lacked a father, Oscar learned about authentic manhood from other father figures who stepped up to ...

How to be Successful in Business by Harnessing the Power of Words with Mary Shores – BtR 148
September 18, 2018

Woman entrepreneur, author, and accidental mentor, Mary Shores joins us on Beyond the Rut to share how to be successful in business by harnessing the power of words. It may seem oversimplified that if you know how to change your mindset and attitude

Dan Cockerell’s 27 Years of Leadership Lessons Working for Disney – BtR 147
September 11, 2018

What a former Walt Disney World executive has to offer as a keynote speaker and coach.

Morning Fitness Routines and Personal Quiet Time – BtR 146
September 04, 2018

How to find daily quiet time while also doing your morning exercise routine to lose weight.

Brandon’s 5 a.m. Morning Routine – BtR 145
August 28, 2018

Same Time Different Morning Routine It turns out that Jerry is not the only one on the Beyond the Rut team with a 5 a.m. morning routine! Similar to Jerry, Brandon finds time for prayer, journaling, and personal growth every morning starting at 5 a.m.

Brandon’s 5 a.m. Daily Morning Routine – BtR 145
August 28, 2018

Same Time Different Daily Morning Routine It turns out that Jerry is not the only one on the Beyond the Rut team with a 5 a.m. daily morning routine! Similar to Jerry, Brandon finds time for prayer, journaling,

Journaling, How to Write Everyday for Your Success – BtR 144
August 21, 2018

Journal Writing Brandon and Jerry discuss the benefits of journaling every day for your own success. There is an insight that you can gain from looking back on previous years to see how you’ve progressed on a goal, achieved intended growth,