The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Why I Shifted Full On To Internal Family Systems Coaching

May 29, 2022

Ep 173 of the Better Life Better Work Show and today’s podcast topic is about why I made the shift full-on into IFS coaching.

Yes, IFS is used in therapeutic settings.  It originated years ago in the clinical realm and has since spread to education, medicine, business, and coaching.  

When my coach/therapist/leadership coach introduced me to IFS by giving me a handful of books the first one I read was
Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model by Richard C. Schwartz, Ph.D. 

2 pages in and I felt the openness and shift in my whole being. 

Since then, and after over 18 months of intense training and study, with my coaches, and the IFS Institue, I’ve been profoundly impacted by the effectiveness of using this framework.  I’ve experienced the results as a client, and I’ve seen the shifts in my business-owner clients. So much of coaching tends to push task-first tactics…and IFS helps me and my clients build SELF-Trust and relationships first.  

So many of the things small business owners struggle with are held brilliantly through the IFS lens.

Building #selfleadership works personally and professionally.

Enjoy the episode. 






Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model by Ph.D. Richard C. Schwartz

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