The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Come Home To All of You

March 13, 2022

Welcome to another riding in the car at the episode with Allison. 

So it is, this is episode number 167

Everybody is struggling with something you don’t know about. 

There’s a lot of stuff going on so I just want to acknowledge your humanness with so much compassion. 

I see it everywhere, human beings trying to escape their own truth, trying to escape their connection with themselves because 50% of being human is really difficult and we have been trained to avoid and to bypass and to not feel.

Our humanness is holy and I’m really passionate about this. 

It has been my purpose all along. It may have come in different names, but my purpose is to give my clients the luxury experience of coming home to themselves.

Come home to you.

I don’t know what that means to you. What it means to come home to me is that as I welcome myself I find that I have more compassion for the world about me & around me.





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