The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Inner Authority

October 24, 2021


 Inner Authority. 
To what are you unconsciously or consciously giving your authority and autonomy.
By taking time to do some really deep inner work and listening to the parts of us that need our attention, we can begin to trace back to the moments we bent and died to the authorities imposed on us. 
Now I see all the places and systems and people and religions and practices and books and therapists and husbands and boyfriends and parents and teachers and movies to which I gave my inner authority.
People-pleasing starts young.
As a child, many of us meld to the authority around us.
There are all kinds of systems for all kinds of people.
As a child, I was brought up in the system that you are not good unless you give your authority away. 
So I realized in order to feel the safety and security of love and belonging I subconsciously modified my behavior for goodness to fit in for agreement. 
Agreement became my authority. 
Following the rules became my authority.
Doing it right became my authority.
Human Design – 
I have an open head center & I’m very empathic.
Because my nervous system felt so much uncertainty I fell in line.
Follow the model. 
I know I’m human and I know you’e human and that’s what I call Human Leadership, transparent leadership.
It’s not just “vulnerability,” it’s permission for us to be human and still function.
There is a difference between creating something and running away from something.
There is a difference between choosing from the place where we finally have the authority… and choosing from readiness.
I’m stepping into my readiness to stand in my own inner authority.
What are you giving authority and autonomy to that has not earned the right?
What are you giving your authority and autonomy to that is actually harming yourself?
What are you  giving you authority and inner autonomy to that is actually re-traumatizing your childhood wounds?
First step: Identify with compassion.
There is no shame in this, we all do it as human beings.
What are you giving your authority to over and over again that is causing you to not create the life or work that you want?
A relationship? Your mother’s opinion? What some doctor tells you? 
Pause for a minute and take me out of your ears, I am not your authority. 
I am here to point you to your self authority, your self leadership. 
I am here to help facilitate the relationship you have with yourself so that you can walk and move and relate and decide and sell and be moving in the world as your internal beautiful powerful human authority.
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