The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

I Am the Launch: No More Waiting

August 09, 2021

There are a million reasons to not go forward.
There are reasons we can stop ourselves.
An 8/8 update recording on the New Moon – August 8, 2021.
I am going to put down my notes, drop into my body, connect with my heart and share my own update with you and some big changes that are happening in my business.
I wonder what you can learn about yourself from my update…
Yes, this is about me but it’s also about you.
I want you to borrow the insights.
I want you to borrow the wisdom.
What reasons are you giving yourself to stop… and some my be totally valid.
Since 2012 I have been focusing on self trust. No matter how good my business did there was always and inner self doubt, an inner insecurity and lack of self trust and it didn’t fit the longevity or history of my business… there was something inside. 
Before Self Trust, my mission was how can I make more money, be in flow and get more clients. 
I noticed in my early coaching the people doing the best were also doing the inner work, emotional work, spiritual work. 
I’ve always coached productivity and sales but I’ve had this knowing, I’ve been afraid and there have been a million reasons.
Today is the day I make the declaration that I am a Self Leadership & Life Coach! 
I am here to help you cultivate your being in the world.
I’m here to help you meet yourself.
I am here to teach you to meet and get to know and build a relationship with yourself so you can trust yourself..
I am here to help facilitate you to all of you. 
I council people back to themselves.
Skills without the embodying essence of who you be fall flat.
It’s not fun to do this difficult work by yourself,
I brought in a group setting.
Part of this process of meeting ourself, trusting ourself and being ourself is in community.
It’s to be witnessed by ourselves and to be witnessed by our peers so that we are belonging together as human beings and as as community we’re always drawing one another back to our true selves. 
You are the guru. You are the one that knows you the best. 
We don’t need any more ass kicking. We need to reclaim our internal authority. We need to reclaim our being.
Everything you want is inside of you, but we’ve been taught to give it up. 
I am here to help people get their autonomy back!
When I encourage those around me to check in, meet yourself, be with yourself, hold yourself in the wobbles then you can be yourself. 
Nothing will stop me from being me and helping you to meet and be yourself.
Soulies Self-Leadership Society:
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