The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Self-Leadership & Wholehearted Living

August 01, 2021

At the beginning of the year I hired a coach to work on self leadership and self trust and a whole new deepening of who I be is being cultivated. 
I love a good reset! Like when my Amazon fire stick stops working I just reset it or my computer starts going slow I just reboot it.
I am in a new phase of cultivating my meaningful work.
Any time we go through an expansion and evolution I think it’s normal for scarcity and doubt to flare up. I am so grateful for the flareups. I don’t bowl over them, I meet them with tenderness. There is opportunity with whole body healing and embodiment of that which we are cultivating. 
The embodiment piece – taking these things that I cultivate into my whole body. 
I’m moving closer to myself in a calm and curious way. 
Meeting the tenderness & listening.
Fear, comparison, anxiety & perfectionism are NOT moral failures. 
Instead of jumping over these tender parts and forcing myself into creativity and self trust, I notice I am embodying self trust by meeting those tender parts of myself. 
They say what you focus on expands. I call bullshit on that. What you ignore expands. 
When we jump over the difficult parts we end up at the same place over and over and that’s not a moral failure either. 
If you’re feeling wobbly slow down and check in below your head and check in with your own heart. 
What if you just sat and listened to your fears and listen does not mean believe? 
What if you really heard the parts of you that get into what people think, perfection, numbing, powerlessness, scarcity, fear, the need for certainty, exhaustion, comparison, production overdoing, over hustling, over performing, anxiety as a lifestyle, self doubt, shoulding all over yourself and being cool & always control? 
What if … I don’t want to let go.. I want to listen & nurture.. that’s how I cultivate. What if these aren’t negative emotions?
What if they are seed opportunities to cultivate something? 
Reference Links:
Brene Brown
Allison Crow
Painting retreat – 2 spots left.
Video Episodes