The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Live Coaching: Brooke Genn – The Risk of Criticism in Scaling Work

July 11, 2021


Welcome to episode 143:  Another in a series of live coaching sessions with my clients.  Brooke Genn is a long-time Soulie (Facebook website).  This episode is a perfect example of how often is what seen as a strategy session – is really a doorway to a deeper inner work session.  I love strategy and can often help my clients see strategic paths to profit and pleasure, and even more important, really digging deep underneath a “limiting belief” to heal and unhook the resistance and fear.  Enjoy this session.  Listen in and look for insights that you can borrow from Brooke’s session.  
Brooke is showing up with some blocks and confusion about creating a strategy for her Selfie Masterclass that would support her energy, finances, and busy retreat photography schedule. 
She wants to create a system or structure to make more from her offer that would allow her to scale it and be at home.
Notes from the session: 
What do you mean by structure?
Why not just when you feel like doing it?
What about energy?
A lot of creatives need permission to always go with your flow.
Take a year or season and look.
What about a simple, visual calendar like this one I use that spaces your offerings out in seasons. 

Energetic Offering Calendar
Start to visually and energetically chunk out working with your energy and the seasons.
Get that down and then see what’s available.
Create an energetic calendar — it can help you with your marketing.
You don’t have to start marketing until you’re heading into that season.
When your energy doesn’t fit in the system that’s another resentment and that causes us not to full-on attract the clients.
Looking at recording it vs the value of being there to teach it live.
Record one and put it in your pocket
You can use it and then have a live session after they have taken it and you can do a condensed Q & A
Check-in with the wisdom of your body for pricing.
Limiting belief: People are only going to take this class if they have worked with me before, not strangers on the internet.
I feel tense in my lower neck.
Bring your attention into the lower neck into that brainy voice and take a breath… let it be separate from you.
Feel compassion towards it – this part of the brain that tightens your neck is scared.
What does it want you to know?
There is less risk and it’s safer to talk to clients that already know me.
What are you afraid would happen if you took the risk?
I have a fear that when you scale things it comes with headaches.
Scaling things comes with a lot more opinions.
This part of me is a little overwhelmed by the bigness and the people that don’t know me.
That part of you wants to feel heard and understood.
Check-in with the parts that are nervous about the risk.
Create a system that supports them.
A compassionate space for all these parts of yourself.
If you reverse engineer those limiting beliefs they are coming from parts of yourself.
Let those parts know that you will manage disappointment and conflict.
Their job is to be creative and playful.
Find the youngest love of your life and think, how would I love them and give that to yourself.
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Expressive Arts Painting Retreat: