The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Inspired Action vs Habits as a Soul-Full CEO

November 01, 2020

How do you get work done in your business? 
I used to be the type of person that ONLY took inspired action. 
Meaning I waited until I felt a hit of inspo and then I moved fast, took risks, and liked the stimulation of the challenge. 
Inspired action was rewarding. It was great when I was building my biz. 
However, it gave me holes too – in my creativity, in my business, in my sustainability. 
Plus, sometimes life takes over (hello 2020) and you just aren’t inspired. 
Then what? 
As a Soul-Full CEO I’ve found it’s the mix of HABITS and inspired action that move me and my business forward. 
I want the same for you, so this week on the podcast I’m giving you the ways I balance these ways of working, questions I ask around them, and what it means for us as Soul-Full CEOs. 
Enjoy the episode here (and enjoy the realness of recording at home, you’ll know what I mean when you listen