The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

7 Ways to Keep Soul in Your Business

September 06, 2020

I’ve got a show FULL of soul-full goodness for you today!
After a few weeks of deep introspection and working through my beliefs and emotions (let’s be honest, this is an ongoing process, but one that hit hard recently) I wanted to share some things I know to be true when it comes to owning a SOUL-FULL business. 
These are my top 7 ideas for keeping the soul alive in your biz. 
It’s for those of you that realize you are more gardener than a machine. 
It’s for those of you that want to stay connected. Those who recognize the need to slow tango. 
Some of these 7 ways may surprise you, some may make you feel good and aligned, others will be a wake-up call.
I hope all will be helpful in some way. Take some time for yourself and your business today, listen to this episode and reflect on how you can or will incorporate these 7 ideas into your business. 
Of course, if you have your own ideas, I’d love to hear them, head over to my Instagram or Facebook to share them with me!
Your Favorite Life Coach, 
Allison Crow