The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

You are a Gardener Not a Machine

June 28, 2020

What do I mean when I say you are a gardener, not a machine? 
I mean you are not meant to just be efficient, to create an outcome, to perform. 
You are meant to be tended to. 
I know we were all raised in a world that celebrates action and implementation and metrics, but we have to remember the process too. 
We can strive to do well, but also keep our souls alive. We can be efficient and work hard and show up and meet ourselves with compassion during the process. 
Especially in times like right now, we need to see the value in self-care and adjusting the process to our larger context. Even if at home everything is ok and happy and fine, you are living in a larger environment – your society, country, community- that is experiencing new weather!
Be a gardener in your own life. Be sure to tend to and nurture yourself in the ways you need (not every plant or flower needs the same things in a garden- the same is true for what you may need every day). 
I’ll share some of the ways I’m doing this, why this is so important for you, and a special prayer for you in this episode of the podcast. I hope you’ll give it a listen to remember why tending to yourself is central to your life and biz. And then I invite you to commit to yourself and share with me on Instagram or Facebook how you are going to be a gardener this week. 
Your Favorite Life Coach, 
Allison Crow