The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Your Deepest Primary Fear is the KEY to Your BEST Life

February 02, 2020

What truly motivates you? 
I bet the answer inside you may surprise you. 
Sure, you are probably like me in that you have a lot of desires, but desires, while motivating, aren’t motivating enough, right? 
Think of all the times you have desired something but still held back or let them go. 
Desires just aren’t the true motivator. 
The true motivator is your deepest primary fear. 
And there is only one way to really figure out your deepest primary fear- to continuously ask yourself the hard question of “why is this so important to me” again and again and again until you come to a deeper level of understanding. 
I’m sharing what this deepest fear is for me and more about how we can use this idea to create our BEST lives on the podcast this week. 
Listen in to find out what mine is and of course, if you resonate with any of this episode or feel like sharing your deepest primary fear, head on over to Instagram or Facebook to share with me.
PS- Camp Star Heart 2020 early decider pricing is still available! Camp Star Heart is like a summer camp/retreat for grown-ass women who love to take a weekend away to REMEMBER who they really are – because they know this investment of time, energy, and money – will permeate the rest of their lives and work. Our theme this year is Both/And, learn more about what all is included and get early decider pricing at