The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

BLBW EP 42: What To Do When Someone Bugs/ Bores/ Annoys You

April 08, 2019

If you are in a group coaching program or meeting or work with a group of people it is very likely that somebody will irritate the fuck out of you.
You can walk away from the things that bug the shit out of you and… you will be on the slow track to growth.  Your annoyance/judgment is not about that person, it’s about you.
The Tool:

* Get curious about yourself

What is it in that person’s behavior that is inflaming something in me that has to needs to be considered, healed, processed, owned…
What is this about this that drives me nuts… hold up the mirror..
Don’t take everything personally and let the other person to be wherever they are on the journey.
Look at our triggers and annoyances and take responsibility.
Isn’t that interesting, What in me is really bothered by this person that needs to go?
When somebody else is irritating you, take a moment to pause and get curious about yourself.
Turn my judgments into curiosity about me.
What is it about this person that bothers me?

Resource: Byron Katie: Judge Your Neighbor Worksheet
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