The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Rambling Our Way to Re-Enchantment

January 12, 2020

This week on the podcast is a bit of a riff. It’s part me sharing what’s on my heart and part things that are coming up for clients this week. 
If you are someone that feels pressure to feel valuable or to perform to be valid, I invite you to listen to this episode. 
If you are someone going through an emotional event of some sort with your family or loved ones, I invite you to listen to this episode. 
If you are someone trying or starting something new, I invite you to listen to this episode. 
And if you are someone that creates, that learns and consumes mindfully, and that moves with awareness in the world, I invite you to listen to this episode. 
Thank you for allowing me this space to share my heart with you, and of course, I’d love to know what’s on your heart this week, head on over to Instagram or Facebook to let me know. 