The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

How Soul-Full Leaders Navigate Difficult Times

December 01, 2019

We all face difficult times, even as leaders. 
And in my work, I’ve been lucky to gather some insights and advice from leaders around me about how we can navigate these difficult times. 
Because I think we live in a culture that expresses that leaders should have their shit together. That we should hide our emotions, toughen up, have a stiff upper lip, yadda, yadda, yadda. 
But this isn’t how Soul-Full leaders navigate these difficult times. 
Today I’m sharing the insights I’ve learned about what Soul-Full leaders really do when they are facing something difficult and share some real stories to show you.
I hope this helps you notice some of the bullshit our society tells us leaders have to be and helps you see how you can be your own, perfectly imperfect version of a leader. 
And if this episode resonates with you, I’d love to know, head on over to Instagram or Facebook to tell me!
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