The Wild Edges of Being Human
3 Questions for Powerful Self Reflection
Three powerful questions for self-reflection.
I have three questions to help you with what I’m calling “power up” today.
I had an interesting experience. This week, I have recommitted to my practice of meditation and meditating on my pouf without any devices nearby, so not using other sound but really just sitting with my quiet spirit, thoughts, and it’s been fascinating. I can’t say that I’ve done the best job at it. I still do get easily distracted, and I am committed to deepening my meditation practice.
As I have done that, I don’t know if this is any cause for it, but I’ve also been having really wonky dreams. I have not been sleeping quite soundly. A couple of days ago at 3:45 in the morning, it was very clear that I was not tossing and turning because of the regular reasons, usually a dog somewhere on the bed, but spirit woke me up. I was a wide-awake at 3:45.
What was coming through my mind was this concept of power-up. I recently had reached out on Facebook about attending some kind of learning conference this fall. A lot of people gave recommendations for various conferences, and I had a couple of people invite me and give me gift tickets to various events. But, I knew I wanted to do kind of a mental outer work one. I don’t know why. I just knew it.
I was listening to a girlfriend/colleague of mine speak and teach the other day, and she made an offering for an event that she’s having in California. Just something said, “Yup, that’s it.” So I bought the ticket and I can’t remember … I know what the name of her event is now, but that morning at 3:45 I just kept hearing “Its time to power up, power up.” That’s why you signed up to power up.
Where can you Power Up
I don’t remember … Well, I know now. The name of her event is Game On. But it was interesting because my spirit was saying, “All right, it’s time. Rest season is over. It’s time for you to power up.” So it was funny because this phrase, “power up,” so not an Allison phrase, but has just been on my mind this week. Later that morning, so that’s about 3:45, I get up, power up, and then heard a few other powerful notions.
The second one was, “Allison, you’ve been half-assing. I’m calling bullshit on all your excuses.” It was a very loving calling on bullshit. Y’all know I don’t come from shame, blame, and guilt, and I don’t come from harsh authority. But it was a loving velvet glove that I felt like Spirit was saying, “All right. You’ve gone through this season of itchiness and discomfort, and you’re slacking off.
You slacked off on your meditation, and it’s time to just really stand up and be who I’ve called you to be. That will permeate through your leadership, through your coaching, through your relationship. And frankly, Allison, you’ve been half-assing it.”
So my second question is, “Where are you bullshitting yourself? Where can you lovingly call bullshit so that you can power up?
The third question that I have for you today is, “Where have your desires flatlined?”
All three of these questions go together. How do I know? Because spirit gave all three of these questions to me this week, and I can see how they all connect. I probably could also title this lessons from a soulful success call. We had what’s called a Super Soulie call, so I do special calls every now and then for my clients who’ve been year-long members and longer, and this was the context of the call:
* Where can you power up?
* Where can you lovingly call bullshit on your excuses?
* And where do you need to reignite your desires because they flatlined?