The Wild Edges of Being Human

The Wild Edges of Being Human

Cara Wykowski of My Girlfriend Voice

June 30, 2019

Welcome to the first Super Soulie Feature.  Super Soulies are members of Soul-Full Success who have been in the community for one year or more.  Connections are what make Soul-Full Success so special.  I’m delighted to introduce you to these Super Soulies – and perhaps someday you will be a Super Soulie too! 

Allison:                 Well, hello everybody. Welcome to The Better Life Better Work Show. This is Cara Wykowski. Cara has been a long-time multi, you’ve done a lot of things that I’ve offered. You’ve been in Masterminds, and you come to retreats and you definitely come to Camp Star Heart. You are a leader and a mover and shaker in our community. You’re creating, and building, and running your own businesses. She is coming up, this fall, will be a two-year member of Soul-Full Success. She’s what we call Super Soulie when you’ve been a Soulie for over a year, you get Super Soulie status. Then we’re going to have this whole new level of, I don’t know what we’d we’ll call it but Super Duper Soulie Status, like once you’ve been in for two years. Cara, let me tell you who Cara is for me and then we’ll do a little bio intro.
Allison:                 Cara is bold adornment on the outside that reflects bold living on the inside. She is juicy, human, sales bad ass, edge walker, tender heart, fierce mama, and sexy siren sister. I just made all that up right now. But it is, that’s who you are for me. Cara is also the owner and founder, I don’t know what title you give yourself, of My Girlfriend Voice. All her contact connection information will be in the show notes. But, Cara, why don’t you tell us a little bit about you and what you want our audience to know.
Cara:                    Well, thank you, Allison. I’m so honored to be the first one in this new series you’re putting together. I have to laugh because I thought you said old adornment instead of bold adornment.
Allison:                 Bold.
Cara:                    But it’s a perfect segue into I have become a specialist in the inner critic. My Girlfriend Voice is all about the opposite of your inner critic. I’ll get to that more, but more about who I am. I’m still figuring that out. Last year, well, two years ago, the Camp Star Heart theme was the Too Much Woman. I always knew I was a Too Much Woman. But this year’s focus was Becoming. I love to feel that I’m in this metamorphosis, this evolution, and that life keeps getting better. I live in Northern California. I am a mother of two grown sons. Single. I am coming to grips with my sensuality and have a burlesque performance on October 3rd, I’d love for you to come.
Allison:                 Yay!
Cara:                    I’m a lifelong learner. I am eager for information and I’m eager for community and collaboration. Yet, so many times I felt like I was an outsider, that nobody got me. That I was weird, and weird is saying it nicely. But that’s who I am.
Allison:                 I checked out over here that we had a business call today and I wa...