The Wild Edges of Being Human

Procrastination or Parts: The Mind Fu&k of Starting Again
Yikes – Is it Procrastination or Parts- I’m jumping back into making podcast episodes for you!
I’m just going to allow myself to be imperfect in getting back into the routine
I love creating content for y’all
I’ve always loved creating content for y’all
and I’ve had some procrastination parts come up lately
I had all these plans and was taking no action – Highly unusual for me.
After a couple of weeks of this procrastination, I sat down to do my parts work practices as I normally do, and my shoulders were aching
and I decided to see if it was a part.
I slowed down and connected with myself and my body.
Hello, shoulders. I see you.
Hello, tightness, stiffness and pain. I see you
What is it you want me to know?
Enjoy this episode and a few of the deeper things I’ve learned from this thing called life over the last few months.
Prefer Video? Watch this episode on my YouTube Channel here:
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- Find out more about 1:1 coaching with Allison
- Internal Family Systems Coaching and a brief IFS Model Overview
- Get your copy of UNARMORED: Finding Home in the Wild Edge of Being Human
The post Procrastination or Parts: The Mind Fu&k of Starting Again appeared first on Allison Crow.