Betrayal Trauma Recovery - BTR.ORG

Betrayal Trauma Recovery - BTR.ORG

What Is Guided Meditation And Can It Heal Trauma?

July 17, 2019

Guided meditation is a powerful and effective tool that aids victims of abuse and betrayal.

Coach Peggy, Betrayal Trauma Recovery coach, joins Anne on the free BTR podcast to breakdown what guided meditation is and how it can help betrayed and abused women. Listen to the BTR podcast and read the full transcript below for more.
What Is Guided Meditation?
Unlike traditional therapy, guided meditation allows women to relax, heal, and process without having to have a conversation. For some victims, this is an ideal foundational practice for healing from trauma.

As trained specialists lead a guided meditation session, victims are led through a process of mindfulness and relaxation as they follow verbal cues to elicit thoughts, processes, and images that may help victims on their healing journey.
Guided Meditation is a Gentle Process
Another benefit of guided meditation for victims is that there is no wrong way to do it. Women can find comfort in the slow process of practicing meditation without beating themselves up for not progressing faster toward healing.

Coach Peggy, a guided meditation specialist, describes the gentle work she does with victims as they begin practicing meditation:
In an individual process, if you get stuck I get to work with you on it and we get to figure out what that is. We might go into the feelings, what it feels like. There are just all kinds of tools that I can use to help you access this deeper part of you. So, if this is your first introduction to something like this and nothing happened, no problem, we just need to work together.

Coach Peggy, Betrayal Trauma Recovery
5 Steps To A Successful Guided Meditation Session

* Go to a comfortable location.
* Preferably, close your eyes.
* If you feel like you don’t like closing your eyes for whatever reason you can just look down.
* Try sitting up in a chair in a way that makes you very comfortable.
* Clear your mind as the session begins. 

Betrayal Trauma Recovery Supports Victims of Betrayal and Abuse
At BTR, we understand how difficult it is to find resources for victims of betrayal and abuse.

Coach Peggy offers individual sessions for women who are ready to try guided meditation. Schedule your session today.

The Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group meets daily in every time zone. Victims don't have to wait to get the support they need now.

Join today and find a community of validation, support, and love.
Full Transcript:
Welcome to Betrayal Trauma Recovery, this is Anne.

We have been talking with Coach Peggy for the last 2 weeks. She is a certified Journey Practitioner and she is a coach here at Betrayal Trauma Recovery. I personally go to her to do meditation sessions. She is amazing.

If you have not heard the last 2 weeks of podcasts, please go back and start 2 weeks ago so that you have the background on Coach Peggy’s personal story and how Journey Work guided meditation works. 

So, today we’re going to do an actual guided meditation with you. Now this is different then what you would get in Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group and in an individual session because she is not going to be eliciting a response from anybody because if we did one with me and I said “Oh, a giant marshmallow showed up” and you guys who were also medita...