Betrayal Trauma Recovery - BTR.ORG
Latest Episodes
The Best Way To Heal After Emotional Abuse
If you're wondering how to get back to yourself after emotional abuse, Anne shares how she healed from her husband's emotional abuse.
Why Pornography Use Is Adultery – Anne’s Mom Weighs In
Wondering if pornography use is adultery? It IS and it's also emotional and psychological abuse. Learn more about Betrayal Trauma Recovery.
When Your Husband Apologizes - How To Know If It's Genuine
You can't cause, control, or cure the abuser: you can't fix your abuser. You can only set boundaries and seek safety for yourself. BTR can help.
Warning Signs Of An Abusive Therapist: Amy’s Story
Do you keep going to therapy, thinking the next session will help? But then it doesn't? Here are the warning signs of an abusive therapist you need to know.
3 Compelling Reasons to Learn About Abuse – What You Need To Know
Feel overwhelmed at the thought of learning more about abuse? Here are three reasons it's a good idea to begin delving into your abuse education.
What Does Spiritual Bypass Mean? What You Need To Know
What does spiritual bypass mean in the context of emotional and psychological abuse? Find out how spiritual & new age bypass can increase suffering for victims.
He Uses Pornography, I Need Support – What The Research Says
Did you recently discover your husband's secret pornography use? You deserve support. BTR.ORG has the resources to help you navigate this painful journey.
Why Won’t My Husband Fight For Our Marriage? – Kirsten’s Story
Does your abuser make big promises but refuse or "forget" to follow through?
How The Best Betrayal Trauma Recovery Groups Saved My Life – Victim Stories
After betrayal trauma, many women still feel emotionally unsafe, traumatized, and misunderstood. Betrayal Trauma Recovery Groups empower women to heal and find hope. Our amazing clients share their experiences.
When Your In-Laws Are Emotionally Abusive Too – Tanya’s Story
Tania share's her difficult story of living through emotional abuse, financial, physical, and sexual abuse. All while her in-laws are emotionally abusive too.