The Benzo Free Podcast

The Benzo Free Podcast

Latest Episodes

Just Press Record: A Discussion of Emotions, Online Triggers, and BIND
September 16, 2022

Have you ever been afraid to turn on the news? To check your social media feed? To visit your favorite discussion group? Have you ever been so afraid of your own emotions and reactions that you isolate completely? Well, so has D.

Our Mailbag: Sickness, Setbacks, Symptoms, and Self-Esteem
August 21, 2022

COVID and BIND. Symptoms and setbacks. Isolation. Distraction. Memory loss. Relationships and loss. And of course, acceptance and success. What do these all have in common? Well, they all are related to benzos, and we will cover them today.

The Dinner Party: Caregivers, Relationships, and Living with BIND (Benzo Chat)
August 09, 2022

Two benzo survivors. Two caregivers. Pizza. Cookies. And a covered porch in a rainstorm. What else could you want? Join us for this very special and revealing conversation about living with benzos from two couples who know it intimately.

Benzo Chat (Rob from Oklahoma): “Getting Back into Life”
July 17, 2022

Enough about me — it’s time to hear from you. Welcome to our very first “Benzo Chat.” An in-person, casual conversation with you, the champions living day in and day out with benzo dependence, withdrawal, and BIND.

On the Road with Benzos: Stress, Sickness, and Symptoms
July 02, 2022

What’s it like being sick while in protracted benzo withdrawal, or BIND? Do you rest or push through it? Do you take medication? Antibiotics? Steroids? What if you’re away from home? And what do you do to avoid getting sick next time?

Benzo Community, Healing, and Support (w/ Jennifer Leigh)
June 04, 2022

Do we truly recover from protracted benzo withdrawal (BIND)? What does that look like? What about from other psych medications? Can we realistically get back to “normal” after all of this? And if so, how? Join D and Dr. Jenn for this intimate conversation

Our 100th Episode! — Success Stories, Sincerity, and Some Fun (edited)
May 12, 2022

CONGRATULATIONS! We made it! Episode 100! Thank you all for getting us here. Pour the champagne (non-alcoholic of course), gather around, reminisce a bit, and let’s celebrate. And how do we do that? Well, with stories of success, of course.

Benzodiazepine-Induced Neurological Dysfunction (BIND) — An Introduction
April 03, 2022

What do we call this condition so many of us have been dealing with for so long? Benzo withdrawal? Protracted Withdrawal? Persistent Benzo Withdrawal? Benzo Toxicity? Benzo Brain Injury? Or something completely different?

Our Mailbag: Setbacks, Symptoms, Stories, and Success
March 12, 2022

What is mindset, and why is it so important in benzo withdrawal? Are setbacks common, and how do you work through them? Are benzos too limited now? Is it okay to wait to withdraw? Is this permanent? These questions and so much more.

A Psychiatrist’s Perspective: Conversation with Dr. Alexis Ritvo (Part 2 of 2)
February 01, 2022

Dr. Alexis Ritvo is a board-certified addiction psychiatrist and assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She is also Medical Director for the Alliance for Benzodiazepine Best Practices and Co-Chair for the Benzo