The Benzo Free Podcast

The Benzo Free Podcast

Latest Episodes

The Dangers of Benzodiazepine Use in the Elderly
April 23, 2019

More senior citizens take benzos than any other age group. And yet, they are also the group most at-risk for complications. What are the effects of this dangerous combination? And what can be done to buck the overprescribing trend?

Finding Faith, Hope, and Acceptance in Benzo Withdrawal: A Conversation with Jennifer Leigh, PsyD
April 16, 2019

Can a unique blend of neuroscience, compassion, and spirituality be the secret to success in benzo withdrawal? Jennifer Leigh seems to think so. And so do many of the people she has coached.

Benzo Bad Guys: Anger, Aggression, Depression, and Obsession
April 09, 2019

Have you ever heard of Benzo Rage? What about other withdrawal symptoms like depression, aggression, or violent tendencies? All these behaviors can be escalated by benzos and learning how to deal with them just might be the key to success.

Conversation with a Caregiver
April 03, 2019

The underappreciated angels of the benzo community are the caregivers. What’s it like to take care of someone going through benzo withdrawal? What are the key hurdles? What are the burdens? And most of all, what are the secrets that no one told you?

Benzo Belly: Our Gut in Withdrawal
March 27, 2019

Have you ever heard of “benzo belly?” How about abdominal distension? The gut-brain connection? Since our digestive and central nervous systems are so closely linked, our gut can take a big hit during benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Insights on Withdrawal: A Conversation with Elizabeth McCarthy
March 20, 2019

Elizabeth McCarthy, MA, LPC hits the benzo community trifecta. She is a benzo survivor, an activist in the benzo community, and a therapist with a decade of experience working with dependence and withdrawal.

Anxiety: The Beast of Benzo Withdrawal
March 13, 2019

When it comes to benzo withdrawal, all roads lead to anxiety. Anxiety is not only the most persistent and pervasive symptom of withdrawal, but it’s also the catalyst which makes all the others worse.

An Introduction to Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms
March 06, 2019

What are the common symptoms of benzo withdrawal? How many are there? What do they all have in common? And, will any of them be permanent?

The Ashton Manual – Who Wrote It and Why You Should Read It
February 28, 2019

Have you read the Ashton Manual? Do you know what it is? Do you know who Prof. Ashton is? Well, if you or anyone you know is dependent on benzos, you should.

Dependence, Disbelief, and the Doctor Dilemma
February 26, 2019

Do you feel all alone in your dependence on benzos? Do you feel like no one believes you? Not even your doctor? Well, you’re not alone — thousands of others feel exactly as you do.