Geek News Central Podcast

Geek News Central Podcast

Latest Episodes

100 Billion in EV Rebates #1519
April 08, 2021

The 2.25 Trillion stimulus package being promoted by the White House contains 100 billion dollars for EV rebates. So if you were thinking about an Electric Vehicle I think I would delay in going picki

Mars Helicopter Survives #1518
April 05, 2021

Mars Ingenuity rover’s Helicopter has survived its first nite on Mars paving the way for test and potential hover flight on April 11th this is all good news as NASA is hitting all its milestones so fa

Big Tech killed Arizona App Legislation #1517
April 01, 2021

Big Tech primarily Google hired nearly all the lobbyist in Arizona to pressure the legislature to not vote on a bill that would have caused both Apple and Google to lose revenue in that app developers

Unlock Everything with your Phone #1516
March 25, 2021

In the very near future, you will be able to unlock nearly anything with your phone. You may even be able to have your Passport and or Drivers license embedded in your phone. We will see how the adopt

On New Iron #1515
March 22, 2021

Amiss the publishing of the last show the server that GNC resides on fell over sideways and crashed harder than an airplane with no fuel. It went totally down and I was quite lucky that Angelo Mandato

Facebook will read your Brain waves #1514
March 18, 2021

Facebook is working on a new device that will read your brain waves in order to power a device that will let you type like a keyboard without having a keyboard or control lights and devices with hand

Google Incognito Lawsuit to Advance #1513
March 15, 2021

Googles 5 Billion dollars incognito lawsuit is being allowed to advance. This is after Google has worked hard to get it dismissed but it has enough legs to proceed and obviously Google is not happy. S

SpaceX Expands Starlink Options #1512
March 09, 2021

SpaceX as I predicted will be expanding its options for its Starlink ground stations by putting them on big trucks, airplanes, RV’s, and a whole host of moving objects. Become an Insider today to get

Test for Publish
January 28, 2021

Contents for my post

November 30, 2020
