Geek News Central Podcast

Geek News Central Podcast

Latest Episodes

SpaceX Approved for 3 Test Flights #1525
April 29, 2021

SpaceX has been approved for an additional 3 test flights by the FAA for its Boca Chica flight facility. This is a big deal in that they got all three approved at once. We will see if SpaceX can land

April 29, 2021


April 29, 2021


April 29, 2021


April 28, 2021


Do you own Media Purchased at Apple? #1524
April 26, 2021

Do you really own media you buy at Apple or is it more like long-term rental with them having the option to recall or remove the rental from your media library? That is a question being asked in a law

Tesla AutoPilot under Serious Scrutiny #1523
April 22, 2021

Tesla AutoPilot is under serious scrutiny after 2 people were killed when the driver was in the passenger seat. Consumer Reports has reported how they got a Tesla to drive around a test track with no

Ingenuity Flys on Mars #1522
April 19, 2021

Ingenuity Helicopter has its first successful flight on Mars while the flight only lasted 30 seconds this is a huge accomplishment by the NASA and JPL team to pull this off. We will see now how furthe

Big Tech is Fine with Corporate Tax Hikes #1521
April 15, 2021

Big tech thinks corporate tax hikes of 7% are acceptable when they barely pay and federal taxes, to begin with, is quite obtuse of them. When they start paying their fair share. Small companies like m

Facebook Labeled by Apple as Peeping Tom #1520
April 12, 2021

Apple has labeled Facebook as a Peeping tom upping the war between them and explaining you do not need to accept Facebook tracking and spying on you. So please say no to track when you get IOS 14.5 th