Matters of Perspective

Matters of Perspective

Latest Episodes

Beenie Bits: #MeetCoolPeople
March 01, 2020

Life is all about relationships. No matter if they are personal or professional. Some of us are afraid to talk to people, where others have not met any strangers. As humans, we need the interaction and the relationships with other humans. Strangers...

Beenie Bits: It is all connected
January 26, 2020

Eating disorders, depression, addiction... More often then not, they stem from unprocessed trauma. You are not alone!  I have dealt with it and today's guest is as well.  Links: (Beenie's book)

Beenie Bits: Roller Derby... So much more than a sport
January 19, 2020

When I first met today's guest, I was wide eyed when she told me she is actively competing in Roller Derby competitions. While chatting with her, I learned that it is so much more than a sport.  Roller Derby for women builds self-esteem amongst...

Beenie Bits: From Homeless to Influencer
January 12, 2020

Stuff happens. Sometimes we make choices that lead us down a less desirable path in life. Today's guest is no exception.  At one point he decided to make better choices for himself and turned his life around.  We have the power to change the...

Beenie Bits: A Beaver Saved His Life
January 05, 2020

A beaver did what??? The mind is a wonderful thing. It can help us heal, move forward, and accomplish the seemingly impossible. Or... It can keep us stuck in place, pull us further down, and prevent us from giving it a shot.  Today's guest shares...

Beenie Bits: Reflect and Move Forward
December 29, 2019

As 2019 comes to an end, reflect and move forward.  Reflect on this year... What went well? What didn't? What needs improvement? Did you achieve what you set out to achieve? What are the lessons learned in 2019 to take into 2020? What are your...

Beenie Bits: Bah Humbug
December 22, 2019

Bah humbug is not against Christmas or the Holidays as a whole. It is about the fact that the season has gone from the Holiday Season to the Shopping Season. It is all about consumerism.  Disgusting! ... Bah Humbug! Let's get back to the...

Beenie Bits: Get your Shift together
December 15, 2019

It is time to get your shift together for a better year in 2020. If you want better results, you need to change the way to talk to yourself. Change your vibration. Raise your vibration. The vibration we send out is being matched by like vibrations....

Beenie Bits: The season of giving
December 08, 2019

It's the season of giving but you can give so much more than store bought stuff. After all that is just... stuff. Yeah, it'll add a moment of joy, or even a few, but in the end it's just stuff.  This season give your time. Build memories. Give a...

Beenie Bits: Need a Smile, Give a Smile
December 01, 2019

Need a smile? Give a smile. Simple as that.  A smile can go a very long way, is understood all across the globe, and it is FREE. It costs us nothing yet it can yield a fortune.  Have you smiled today? What or who made you smile today? SMILE...