Musings Podcast

Musings Podcast

Latest Episodes

Creating Your Support System
August 27, 2021

Building close, trusting relationships are complicated. However, it is crucial to push out of your comfort zone and ask for help. It’s instrumental to your healing. Remember you suffered from abuse al

How to Become an Empathy Ambassador
August 25, 2021

We are living in communities where abuse happens daily. The majority of the abused lack the courage to advocate for themselves. I’m inviting us to become empathy ambassadors - stepping into their shoe

We Need to Stop Shaming Men Who Have Been Abused
August 20, 2021

Out there, we have sexually abused men. Society’s expectations of men have forced them to be silent as they continue to hurt inside. - Similar: Sexual Abuse: Facts You Need to Know

Why You Should Not Live in The Past
August 18, 2021

Some people live under the grip of their past. They lack the skills to press through the past dark to the light of the present moment. - Similar: Survival Skills: Tips for Healing Invisible Wounds

Survival Skills: Tips for Healing Invisible Wounds
August 12, 2021

Dealing with invisible wounds can be challenging with a longing for a quick fix. The healing journey is a long-term investment of time and resources, and it is challenging in our “feel good” society t

Do Not continue to Hurt Those Who Are Emotionally Wounded
August 10, 2021

The church needs not to be silent anymore. It needs to put qualified personnel and resources in place to enhance the healing of men, women, and children who have been sexually assaulted. Prayer is ess

Tips on Why Procrastination Has serious consequences
August 09, 2021

Procrastination is a convincing sweet talker rooted in fear and self-doubt and can steal your self-esteem, convince you to postpone crucial decisions, and intensify anxiety. - Similar: How to Avoid Re

How to Avoid Retraumatization of Sexually Abused People
August 06, 2021

I’m grateful for the many platforms that technology has gifted us with. However, watching some interviews in the context of sexual and physical abuse leaves me concerned about people who are interview

3 Tips on Why Writing is a Healing Tool for Deep Invisible Wounds
August 05, 2021

Writing is an excellent way of expressing yourself and profoundly getting in touch with your raw feelings. - Writing is an excellent way of expressing yourself and profoundly getting in touch with you

Sexual Abuse Pain is Unbearable
August 02, 2021

Sexual abuse happens to both men and women. Confronting sexual abuse pain is unbearable. The emotions are raw, leading to self-blame and sometimes isolation. - Having been in your shoes from my own ex