Musings Podcast

Musings Podcast

Latest Episodes

Why Practicing Gratitude is Beneficial
December 14, 2021

Practicing gratitude enhances our mental and spiritual well-being. It improves our attitude towards life and enhances our ability to build and guard healthy relationships. - Similar:Tips To Handle Hop

Tips To Handle Hopelessness
November 27, 2021

Hopelessness occurs when people feel trapped in their predicament. Feelings of hopelessness can make life miserable. You don’t have to hit rock bottom; you are capable of tackling your challenge or ch

Why Contentment is A Rare Gem To Find
October 04, 2021

True contentment is found when we quit comparing ourselves to others, and start appreciating who we are, and what we have. Similar: Why Trust Requires Vulnerability

Why Trust Requires Vulnerability
September 24, 2021

Trust can turn out to be complicated; because it requires a person to be willingly vulnerable. - Similar: How to Free Yourself From Procrastination

How to Free Yourself From Procrastination
September 22, 2021

Fear of failure, self-doubts, fear of success, and laziness are significant obstacles holding us in the bondage of procrastination. - Simi - lar: Why Discouragement Is A Monster

Why Discouragement Is A Monster
September 19, 2021

Discouragement is a monster that attacks when least expected, creating an atmosphere of fear, doubts, hopelessness, giving up, and numbness. Pretending Can Be Safer Than Honesty

Pretending Can Be Safer Than Honesty
September 16, 2021

Do you know pretending can be safer than honesty and vulnerability? - Similar: Why Numbing Your Emotional Pain Works Against You

Why Numbing Your Emotional Pain Works Against You
September 09, 2021

Living with emotional wounds is a nightmare. Choosing to work on your pain is also painful. A pain worthy facing because it unleashes your healing and freedom. - Similar: No Body Can Kill or Silence Y

No Body Can Kill or Silence Your Voice
September 06, 2021

Do not let those who abused you silence or kill your voice. Do you know you have the power to take back your control from those who violated you? - Similar: How to Deal With Crisis: In Your Abusive He

How to Deal With Crisis: In Your Abusive Healing Journey
August 30, 2021

From my own healing experience, I can say that healing is not a straight line - expect feelings of being overwhelmed, reaching the verge of giving up. Be prepared for an emotional commotion most of th