Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Challenge Accepted

March 01, 2023
Finding Your Path Through the Challenges

Do you have a challenging road ahead?

Do you struggle with fears of what’s to come and if you are strong enough to manage your circumstance?

We all face challenges, every day, yet some are so huge we struggle to see past them. We may cave to fear and shrink back from the challenge that lies in front of us.

Through my personal journey with 5 years of surgery, recovery and setbacks, only to be followed up with a blood clot and elected amputation I give you a snapshot into what my life has been like, the hard times, the fears, and what it looks like facing challenges head on and coming out the other side.

I had 2 extremely profound experiences following amputation that gave me peace, joy, and hope that everything would be alright and that my new “normal” was going to be an epic ride!

A horse who saw me for where I was

Feeling the mana, power, of the waves and the stoke of rising up!

Rise to challenges!
If you fall, dust yourself off and rise again!

When you face fears and challenges in life, the outcome can be transformational, and will help build up your character!

Never give up! Continue to fight for the life you want! You can do anything, if you’re willing to give it your all.

This week pick something that you find challenging in your life that you have been wanting to address, attack, and conquer. Now get after it!
It doesn’t have to be a huge, enormous issue, just one thing that maybe you’ve been afraid to face or fear you might fail at. If you have been house-ridden and really want to try getting outside for fresh air and steps, start small. What is it that you ned to accomplish first? A child doesn’t learn to run before it can walk, nor can you expect to walk a mile when you haven’t been to the end of your block. Baby steps will help you chunk your bigger goal into more manageable, small goals. These baby steps may be small, but they are leading you in the right direction- FORWARD!  Take your challenge head on, chip away at it, pick yourself up when you fall, and continue to make strides forward toward your goal. You’ll be glad you did!

Be strong! Rise to the challenges! Press through fear and watch your life become a masterpiece!
#abovekneeamputee #ampstrong #podcast #bawarrior360 #empowerment #challenges #riseup #mission22 #characterbuilding