Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior
Latest Episodes
“Sleigh” Your Goals
Start Today! - Start Now! - Today! - What are you waiting for? - - I know, I know, it's the holidays. You are busy and can't find the time. - Me too! But, if you are serious about your goals, and
Tis the Season - - As we enter the holiday season: - Special gatherings and parties, - Gift giving and making, - Cooking and baking, - And traveling and to see friends and family create a very bus
From Fear to “Thanks Giving”
Moving Into the Right Mindset This Holiday - As an amputee I have so much to be grateful for in my life. - I am blessed to be alive. - My horses make me be present - I am thankful for my husband
Cutting Edge Comfort
Bionic Skins: Working Towards the Perfect Fit We all want to feel our best, and live a life without pain, but at times it seems so out of reach for us amputees. - Donning a prosthesis that is suppose
Changes and Challenges
New Socket and What To Expect - - Here we go again! - Last week I told you all about a huge blister that formed in my socket on the end of my residual limb, well, after talking to my prosthetist a
- Let's discuss Anticipation and Expectations as an amputee. - Every journey is different, every path navigated in life is unique, so why would anyone think that becoming an amputee that we would sh
A Leg Up On Life
Dealing With Negative Emotions Post-Amputation - Anger, Guilt, Shame, and Fear are all such destructive emotions. They hold us back from realizing our full potential and no one is immune to feeling
Finding Yourself By Letting Go
Through The Eyes of a Horse Horse Therapy-the horse who started it all: Cherokee - - What can I say, I LOVE horses! I have always loved horses, just seeing them makes me smile. Yet as a girl growing
How Can You Know What You Don't Know? - - Yep, like clockwork! - Like life itself, being an amputee throws you curveball after curveball, no matter how seasoned you are. - My time is now, I guess. -
Enjoying Life
Live in the Moment and Experience Your Best Life - - Take a breathe. Now slowly let it out. - Breathing is an automatic response by our body, it knows that we can't survive without oxygen, but hav