Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior

Til Death Do Us Part

February 15, 2023
Picking a Prosthetist You Can Grow Old With…It’s YOUR Choice!

Today’s topic is one of those decisions we must all make if we decide to, or get thrusted into, becoming an amputee. We know that it won’t grow back, and we know our bodies change as we get older, so it only makes sense to find a prosthetist that you can rely on, trust, and connect with, after all, he (or she) will be your go to for all things prosthetic in your future.

Have you/Are you “interviewing” several different prosthetists and prosthetic companies? That’s a must!

Do you feel heard? You should!

Have you explained what you envision doing in your future to give them a better understanding of who you are and where you want to be (goal setting, see previous episodes!)? You must, if they are to help you to the best of their ability.

If you have a current prosthetist but are struggling with your fit, have you explained it to them and do you feel they are working with you to solve the problem or are they brushing it aside or, even worse, telling you it’s you, and you just have to deal with it (YES! I have actually had someone reach out to me and tell me that their prosthetist told them that!!!)?

Teamwork makes MY dream work!


Adjustments, adjustments, adjustments! Constantly making improvements.


Randy made me a surf leg so I could go live out my dream!! Now THAT is a prosthetist who listens and cares!


Getting every angle just right, but he said he’d come along to Hawai’i to help… just in case!